Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Reportedly broke, the American National Treasure movie star Nicholas Cage flew into Kenya fron Uganda on Monday 9 to visited the Shimo La Tewa under a UN counter-piracy programme.
The UN Goodwill Ambassador for UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said, “I wanted to see first-hand how the prisoners are being treated here,” he said. “The whole issue of piracy on the high seas has captured everyone’s imagination, and I needed to come and see the piracy suspects and understand why they do what they do.”
Nicolas also lauded Wanini Kireri the head of prison for running ‘the warmest prison in the world’.
The counter-piracy programme is also undertaking the renovation of Shimo-la-Tewa’s prison’s canteen and the modern energy-saving kitchen funded by the UN office. Niclosa leaves on Wednesday 18 for the US.
He was in Uganda from November 12 and left on Monday after a visit to northern Uganda to raise awareness about the victims of war. Before his trip there, he was cagey about the details. He said, “I’m excited that I’m going to go to Uganda. I’ll spend eight days there, but I don’t want to talk too much about it because it’s sort of about my new life in terms of what I want to do with the emphasis on action.”


1 comment:

  1. it is good if the world will also know thje truth how is kenyan and how kenya leaders they do treat other i would like to say that everything is good for anybody when you travel in new country or new place KARIBU NICO
