Friday, 2 July 2010


Yvonne Chaka Chaka visited with Adelle who is the founder of No MeanS No and Anti rape campaign during her stay in Kenya.
The African Princess said, "Creating rape awareness is very important and I commend the No Means No for all their work. Rape is a sign of disrespect. If I say NO, I mean NO and that should be respected. Just because one cannot respect this, doesn't mean we women should let this dictate our lives. We should be free to wear whatever we want because as long as we say NO, nothing should happen. One of course cannot forget that men get raped too and so it is important for men to join such initiatives and get informed and spread what they've learnt too."
When asked about young men who still believe that when a woman says no she means yes:
"That is absolute misinformation and it is shocking that young men still think like our ancestors, No means No you have your work set out for you."

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