Sunday 26 July 2009


Gaetano Weds

TV personality Gaetano Kaggwa finally married his fiancée Enid Keishemeza Rukikaire in Kampala a while back. In true Gaetano fashion, he went against the norm and decided to have his wedding on a Thursday instead of the usual Saturday.
Media reports based on misleading leaks had stated that the couple would be jumping the broom on a Saturday. These false trails were probably put about after the couple had earlier been forced to put off their nuptials originally slated for June in Kampala to hide away from the media attention.
All the same we did find out that Gaetano and his sweetheart secretly said their vows at a garden ceremony at Ranch On The Lake.
Here is some photos courtesy of the Oboma Social Forum.

Gaetano and best man Babu

Enid is lead to the alter with dad Mathew Rukikaire

Gaetano and Enid on the alter

Gaetano and Enid

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