Wednesday 28 May 2014

Kenya Marks World Menstrual Hygiene Day

Procter and Gamble (P&G) donated 2000 sanitary pads to 5000 girls from in Tharaka Nithi County as part of marking the World Menstrual Hygiene Day in Tharakanithi County.

The schools girls who are reported to have been missing school days were provided with Always sanitary pads as well as Safeguard antibacterial soap in a bid to improve their reproductive health.

According to the World Health Organization, over 300 million girls and women menstruate on any given day while its estimated that that a woman will have 500 menstrual cycles in her lifetime.

However, 60 percent of these women are in countries where talking about menstruation is still a taboo while another 60% of these women and girls knew nothing about menstruation.

Through the Always Keeping Girls in School program, we continue to provide over 3.2 million free sanitary pads and puberty education to empower girls to stay in school.

Menstrual Hygiene Day was created to publicly recognize the right of women to hygienically manage their menstruation wherever they are.

By acknowledging that menstruation is a normal human process and a sign of good health, Menstrual Hygiene Day confronts the stigmas attached to menstruation with collective advocacy, education and action.

WASH United Director Aparna Shrivastava said that the agency has developed a menstrual hygiene management curriculum to educate about taboos, hygiene and reproductive health.

“Using our approach of fun, games and positive communication, the curriculum is designed for the training of teachers/trainers as well as of adolescent girls and boys,” said Ms. Aparna.

World Menstrual Day is celebrated every year on May 28th to because May represents 5 days, or the average number of days (between 2-7) a woman or girl spends menstruating each month. And, 28 represents the average number of days in a menstrual cycle.

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