Friday 1 May 2009

Marketer Night Out 2009

The second Nairobi Marketers Nite Out 2009 series will be held on Thusday 14th May
at the Intercontinental Hotel. The key note speaker will be Dr. Wahome Gakuru (PhD),
Director Marketing, Advocacy and Policy at Equity Bank Limited. The dinner will kick
off at 6:30pm on the dot with a cocktail.

Tickets are now available and reservation is on-going. Kindly liase with Rachel Mumbi
on: 020-341 365 to secure a slot for your team. Pay for your dinner tickets by M-Pesa and
stand a chance to get your electricity bill paid for as detailed here-under.

The first person to pay for their team (10pax) via M-Pesa will automatically have his/her
KPLC account credited with Kshs. 2,000/=, get 1 full board weekend for 2 pax to Sarova
Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa in Mombasa & 1 year's subscription to Marketing Africa

The next 10 people to pay for their Tickets via M-Pesa either as a team or personally will
automatically get their KPLC account credited with Kshs. 2,000/= as well as get a 1 year
subscription to Marketing Africa. The M-Pesa Number to use is: 0727 - 934 481.

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