Thursday 16 April 2009


PETER MORGAN is the lead vocalist for the remarkably talented Reggae band, Morgan Heritage, which recently visited Kenya and performed in Nairobi and Mombasa spared some of his precious time to speak on a variety of issues. Peter, the eldest of the Morgan brothers also dispelled rumours of the band’s impending break-up. The band is made up of Roy, a.k.a. Gramps the keyboard player, Lukes on drums, Mojo the vocalist and sister Una Morgan the female vocalist.

With members now pursuing solo projects, can one say the band is breaking up?

The solo effort has been a decision the band has decided to implement since November last year. We found that in Africa, surprisingly, is the only place in the world, where fans know all the members of their band by name. We have been to the Caribbean and Asia and a lot of people know Morgan Heritage but they don’t know the individuals that make up the band. We decided to present each member to the audience so that they can get to know them as individuals. People have been spreading rumours that Morgan Heritage is breaking up but that is a lie.

You sung the song ‘Don Haffie Dread,’ but all members of the group sport dreadlocked hair. So what’s the story behind the song?

It’s a matter of personal choice. If you wear dreadlocks it means nothing to me that is your personal choice. The first Rasta man the world has ever seen, the Emperor Haile Selasie, he never told anyone they have to wear locks. It is a personal feeling.

So what do your locks signify?

It is a personal covenant between me and the God I serve. There are many people whose hair cannot grow, if they say they are Rasta, will I then say they are not? We are not judged by our outward appearance, we are judged by out hearts. That is the reality. Rasta is a lifestyle, an awareness (of your spirituality). That is what mankind needs to know.

The song also caused quite some controversy in Jamaica. Why was that?

There are some people who believe that when you are a Rasta, you must sport dreadlocks and you know, you can’t tell a man what to do. To each his own. So many people have said so many things about Morgan Heritage for singing the song. But when they meet us face to face they say the song is great, they loved it. You see, its just how mankind is.

So did it get airplay?

It did. All over the world. In Jamaica it was the most airplay we ever received.

Do all Rastafarians smoke weed?

No, and don’t you ever believe that. Like I said, Rasta is not a ganja smoking doctrine, it’s a conception that has caused a lot of people in society to look at Rasta in a negative connotation. Ganja has been here long before Rasta and it will be here long after all of us. Don’t blame Rasta man for the ganja, not only they smoke it, we have our businessmen who smoke ganja, George Bush, he smoke ganja, Bill Clinton smoked ganja, you understand? I believe there are African leaders who smoke ganja. They probably won’t say it…but that is life.

courtesy- Nairobi Star

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