Wednesday 29 April 2009

Allan Namu and Mohammed Ali 'in hidding'?

Word making the rounds claim that KTM investigative reporters John Allan Namu and Mohammed Ali are in hiding following death threats.
Well, let me clue yu why the two would be stashed away somwhere abroad.
two weeks a go they did a major, investigative peice that shook the nation. ‘Track it’ was in the middle of it. The TV feature potrayed Track It as defrauding customers by not fitting car track devices which could help in case of a car jacking.
however, Linus Kaikai the Managing Editor of KTN revealed, “We are not aware of any threats. We knew the story was a sensitive one, so we had them take a break. They are not in hiding but have taken a normal break and will be back to work soon.”


  1. congratulations on all what u are doing

  2. Namu and Ali are young kenyan citizen who have grow and study for their motherland and they will explore everything hided using their knowledge and technology and no one can threat them and they will live stay freedom in kenya. and for those who are trying to threat those guys beware ALi & Namu are just journalist and not investigators so pliz never try that becoz the flashlight of world number two investigation is on top of you so watchout or you will endup undergrown.{usitumikie mwingine tumikia nji yako}

  3. so funy to hear that some people are after these two inocent kenyans for doing what secures them a place in the kingdom of God, 'truth'. wherever you are Moha and Allan on your leave, remain blessed and may the good lord always reward you for the good work. No one else can do it better! Kudos.
