Christian Gospel act have thier newsletter out, here have a read....
My bandmates and I just returned from an incredible trip to Kenya- just in time to start the 40 Days of Water Challenge. We are making water our only beverage for 40 days, and giving the money we would have spent on coffee, soda, etc, to Blood:Water Mission to support clean water projects in Africa. We’re currently 20 days in, and it’s one of the more challenging things I’ve done in the last 5 years or so. If not for the solidarity of my close friends, I surely would have caved and ordered a venti latte a week ago (and every day since).
But it is a very sobering reminder that there are currently over 1 billion people in the world that don’t have access to clean water. And millions that walk hours a day are only bringing home dirty water- to drink, cook and “clean” with. It just doesn’t seem right, that with all our technology and goodwill, this injustice would still plague so many. I guess the way I am learning to respond is to see this as an opportunity to be engaged, instead of just another problem I can’t fix.
Our time in Africa with friends and partners is a stark reminder that water is the first building block of life. You really can’t do much without it. Kids are sick and can’t go to school. Parents are caring for sick kids and can’t earn an income. And the whole community suffers. The presence of clean water brings life and health and progress.
Today is World Water Day. As we are reminded that clean water is all around us at the twist of a handle, let us be thankful for that access. And let us be prayerful for those that engage daily in a struggle for life. If you are so moved, consider what opportunities you might have to enable someone else access to clean water. One dollar provides clean water for one African for one year. Water = life.
With hope,
Charlie Lowell
Jars of Clay
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